While cost-savings remain central to the GPO core mission, hospitals and healthcare providers are increasingly relying on GPOs for a broad range of services. Procurement of daily use items such as medical disposables and medications has broad adoption. GPO see capital expenditures in construction as a key growth area. The massive size of the spend and the direct connection of facilities to healthcare staff’s ability to produce positive medical outcomes provides support for more adoption. As with most innovation, there is systemic resistance to the GPO model for procurement and management in construction. There have been many examples of limited scope success through the years. We have seen intensity around this concept rise and fall in our industry with narrow execution of GSA contracts, dealing with federal, state, and local government, industrial manufacturing, electronics, agricultural, retail, and grocery client managed procurement models. Individual manufacturers or service companies will often celebrate limited successes as outstanding achievements, “I achieved $7 million in sales on the state contract!” This may be an admirable achievement individually, but the real opportunity may be ten times greater than any number ever quoted using the Partnering for Success approach.