Mohawk Amps Up Soft-Surface Messaging for 2021

Cleanability, health and wellbeing are top-of-mind of consumers in 2021, and Mohawk is working on new creative for to help retail sales associates share these benefits for soft surface products.

Interior design, Wood, Flooring, Floor, Building, Shelving

Carpet sales saw a nice resurgence in 2020, thanks to improved technologies, style and design, and Mohawk’s marketing and product development teams are gearing up to amplify the soft-surface story via retail in 2021.

“I think it’s a lot of pent up demand and people wanting to remodel,” said Jamie Welborn, vice president of residential carpet product development at Mohawk Industries. “The legacy folks are wanting to get back to the warmth and comfort of carpet. Maybe the carpet will ever be like it used to be, but I do see us having a better chance to get some revival jobs right now because the technology has come on the carpet side with color and design.”

Welborn said that flooring retailers are having particular success selling broadloom cut for custom rugs.

“It goes back to that point that the technology today has made carpet look so clean, crisp, you get really well-defined designs, you get multi-colored patterns—a lot of the carpet sales—more than people think—are probably going towards custom rugs.”

To aid retailers with marketing these carpets, Mohawk is working on new creative assets, point-of-sale communications, and targeted training and messaging guides to help retail sales associates share the benefits of soft surface to consumers clearly and concisely.

“Cleanability is certainly resonating with health and wellbeing top-of-mind going into 2021,” said Denise Silbert, vice president of marketing. “Sustainability certainly has been growing over time, and it probably was a bit overshadowed in 2020 because of the pandemic, but I expect that we’ll come back strong this next year.”

Mohawk’s SmartStrand triexta fiber carpet celebarated its 15 anniversary in 2020, and the brand will receive an updated website and communications heading in to this year, Silbert said.

“Dealer recognition is an important one because they’ve been huge partners for us over the years,” she noted. “We’re making sure that we’re giving them as much credit as we’re getting with success of the line.”

In addition, Mohawk’s will amplify the EverStrand PET polyester fiber carpet story and the company’s Continuum process around sustainability.

“I think it’s probably more differentiated than any other manufacturer in terms of how we’re able to collect bottles and recycle them into a premium fiber and make beautiful carpet with it,” Silbert added.


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