Ironically, as Starnet celebrates 30 years, Antron, a foundational brand that brought the first groups of flooring contractors together for marketing presentations, sales training and sharing of best practices, has started to exit from the commercial flooring business. Preceding Starnet in the 1970s, it was not common for commercial flooring contractors from around the country to get together and share. One of the original sparks for getting the commercial flooring contractor groups together was Dupont and their aggressive plans to capture market share against competitors in the BCF—bulk continuous fiber business such as Monsanto, Allied Signal and BASF. Dupont aligned groups of contractors with their mill partners to create teams of Antron sales agents that would influence the regional architectural and design community and the end users serviced by those sales agents. Some of the agents worked for the mills, and some were professional flooring contractors. They overwhelmed local market areas together as a team. It was a simple and brilliant “Partnering for Success” strategy that the Starnet members execute today to grow the market, not just take market share. Dupont’s approach was emulated by their competitors with some success, but the most seasoned and successful of the Starnet members always point to Bill Beebe, marketing manager for DuPont Textile Fibers Division, who helped create the best-in-class DuPont Flooring Systems Learning Center.